We got the pre-game going on Wednesday night, of course. Reagan had already received a huge order from Fresh Direct, and stopped by Gristedes on the way home. But of course, that did not preclude me having to rush back out to the bodega, as soon as I walked in the door from work. So, … Continue reading Thanksgiving part-1→
Try to solve the puzzle below. You can mouse over the image at the bottom left to see what the finished image should look like. Click “play again” to re-shuffle the pieces. To move a tile, click (don’t drag) the tile, and it will slide into the blank space. Factory Fresh Block Party sliding puzzle … Continue reading Anyone up for killing a bit of time?→
I though this was kind of cool. I heard that Tissot had teamed up with Hayden for a campaign, but I had never actually seen any of the ads. This month in GQ, the image above was run as 2 page spread. Go Nicky! He has had rough run, since he won the GP world … Continue reading Hayden for Tissot→
The photo above is a bit anachronistic, if I were to order things according to the title of this post. But I really, really like it. So there it is (at the top). Friday night, I was running around like crazy person trying to get some stuff shot before galleries closed, etc.. The last thing … Continue reading Hush and Saturday→
Above: my new beard. When I returned to my (real) job after the TN trip, I discovered that several of the first-year associates in my group were sporting some pretty aggressive facial hair. I was promised a certificate and a tote bag if I joined in on the cause. Although I have since discovered the … Continue reading A couple of things.. then the weekend.→
A couple of weeks ago, I was doing some work on the north end of our building and noticed that 1 WTC is now as tall (or taller) than where I sit. I managed to write a quick blurb about that observation on FB. My friend Jon read it and asked me to take a … Continue reading 1 WTC, as of today→
Try to solve the puzzle below. You can mouse over the image at the bottom left to see what the finished image should look like. Click “play again” to re-shuffle the pieces. To move a tile, click (don’t drag) the tile, and it will slide into the blank space. This one is pretty hard, because … Continue reading How’s about we kill some time?→
These were actually from over the weekend (same night as that photo of my parents on the GW, a couple of posts back). Both photos were shot facing almost straight south, from mid-span of the GW Bridge. I thought it was cool that there was such a distinct band of orange even on the horizon … Continue reading Some Sunset Shots for a Rainy Tuesday→
I’m sort of having trouble describing this one. The Like is what the Pipettes wish they were. They dispense their hotness and bada$$ery in sub-three minute doses. It is like the doors meets the Yeah Yeah Yeah’s, with a triple shot of estrogen. Amazingly enough, while lacking fancy vocals, The Like is still making out … Continue reading La Musica Coolica #88 (The Like)→
My parents were in town over the weekend. It was pretty awesome, since it is the first time that they have been able to schedule a visit together for about two years. Piper must have heard us saying that they were going to come visit, because she was on her cutest behavior. They arrived on … Continue reading Get Ready for photo overload (Piper update Grandparental Edition)→