All posts by Jake

La Musica Coolica #88 (The Like)

I’m sort of having trouble describing this one. The Like is what the Pipettes wish they were. They dispense their hotness and bada$$ery in sub-three minute doses. It is like the doors meets the Yeah Yeah Yeah’s, with a triple shot of estrogen. Amazingly enough, while lacking fancy vocals, The Like is still making out … Continue reading La Musica Coolica #88 (The Like)

Get Ready for photo overload (Piper update Grandparental Edition)

My parents were in town over the weekend. It was pretty awesome, since it is the first time that they have been able to schedule a visit together for about two years. Piper must have heard us saying that they were going to come visit, because she was on her cutest behavior. They arrived on … Continue reading Get Ready for photo overload (Piper update Grandparental Edition)