All posts by Jake

Not yo’ cheese

Question– Dear Jake: We all know which one tastes better, but which one is better for you, yellow or white corn tortilla chips? Also is is true that microwaving your nachos instead of toaster-ovening them can be hazardous to your hairline? -nacho maker Answer– Nice try, dude. Even thought you try to disguise your name as “nacho maker,” I know [...]

Happy July

I know that it is getting close to the fourth of July when I hear an increase in the frequency of firecrackers going off at night. Having so many Dominican neighbors, we are used to hearing them pretty much year round. They don’t really need a special occasion to stay up all Monday night pounding … Continue reading Happy July

Rossi goes down in the first, Stoner coasts to victory, Pedrosa takes over as points leader

I don’t think that anyone was expecting to see what happened this weekend in Holland. It was crazy from the first lap to the last. Out of the grid, Pedrosa was able to get ahead of Stoner. I think that if Rossi could have teamed up on Stoner, with Pedrosa, it would have been a … Continue reading Rossi goes down in the first, Stoner coasts to victory, Pedrosa takes over as points leader