All posts by Jake

“Neighbor’s” Dog

Question: Jake, I have this neighbor who has, I believe, a gay dog. Can dogs be gay? He squats when he pees, barks like a wussy, and is always needing attention. Is he gay or suffering from gender identity? Submitted by: Smokey Answer: Smokey, your question crosses into a subject that must be dealt with in an extremely tactful [...]

biud boud

Over the weekend, I was exposed to one of the most aggravatingly dumb things I have ever seen. It is a Parker Brother’s game called Gnip Gnop. No, the “G”s are not silent. Yes, it is ping pong spelled backwards. For only $20 you can own this game. It is made of flimsy plastic and … Continue reading biud boud

Crazy Morning

Days like today, I feel like pretty much the worst father that ever existed. Of course the day that Piper is finally actually getting the GJ tube installed, is the very same morning that I have a very difficult transaction occurring at work. Reagan and I were both able to be there with Piper this … Continue reading Crazy Morning