Jake, I have this neighbor who has, I believe, a gay dog. Can dogs be gay? He squats when he pees, barks like a wussy, and is always needing attention. Is he gay or suffering from gender identity?
Submitted by: Smokey
Smokey, your question crosses into a subject that must be dealt with in an extremely tactful [...]
Over the weekend, I was exposed to one of the most aggravatingly dumb things I have ever seen. It is a Parker Brother’s game called Gnip Gnop. No, the “G”s are not silent. Yes, it is ping pong spelled backwards. For only $20 you can own this game. It is made of flimsy plastic and … Continue reading biud boud→
I fired up the pedals this morning and rode to work. I loved it. I have to say, for not having done it before, I feel like it went off pretty smooth. I guess that we will see if I still feel that way when I get home tonight. Anyway, there are a few things … Continue reading Break out the spandex→
It has been so fun having Piper so close to us again for these couple of weeks. It is going to be really tough to have her back in NJ. The good news is, the GJ tube does seem to have helped with the vomiting. Last night, they also had her on the portable vent, … Continue reading Piper headed back to Jersey, today or tomorrow→
I have been talking about wanting to get back on two wheels asap, since I sold bumble. Well, Reagan and I did not go out and buy a new pair of motos last weekend, but we were able to get the next best thing. The Truscotts hooked us up with some pedal bikes when we … Continue reading Bikes, woo hoo!→
Despite the partially cloudy weather, Friday and yesterday, we had a superbly good time celebrating independence day with our Boston homies. We arrived at their house late Thursday night, and of course, stayed up late laughing until our lats were sore. Friday we went to a pool party/ barbeque at one of their friends’ houses, … Continue reading Blast in Beantown→
I was so happy when I was finally able to wrap things up at the office and jet up here to the hospital. From what I'm told, Piper weathered the ordeal with commendable form. I wasn't surprised. She has never been a complainer. When I arrived at her bedside, this is how I found her. … Continue reading Nap time with PJ→
How do I have so much time to write, you ask? Because I’m sitting around waiting for a bloody wire to hit so that I can make traxxxxxx out o’ here. To the point; I read a semi-intriguing article on the train today. It was in this month’s Esquire by A.J. Jacobs. The article is … Continue reading Are the kids getting smarter or dumber?→
Days like today, I feel like pretty much the worst father that ever existed. Of course the day that Piper is finally actually getting the GJ tube installed, is the very same morning that I have a very difficult transaction occurring at work. Reagan and I were both able to be there with Piper this … Continue reading Crazy Morning→
I boarded the A at 168th today, since I was leaving from the hospital, instead of home. As a result, there were already more people on the train, than when I normally get on. There was, however, one seat between a kind of nerdy looking guy and a big dude. They were both sitting there … Continue reading Inconsiderate Straphangers→