Reagan and I have been having a pretty sweet day. We got up really early and went for a nice long run before it got too hot and before it started to rain. After our run, we headed out to Long Island. We had been planning on heading out there to our favorite fish store, … Continue reading Sabado Gigante→
I don’t mean to be dramatic, but this has been a fairly turmoil filled week. The layoffs were the probably the biggest source of craziness. But there were plenty of other events that also considerably shook up the comfortable little status quo. Today however, has been right on track as a segway into a morale … Continue reading That’s what I’m talking about→
For all of those millionhunerds (3.6) of people who subscribe to this rss feed, I’m changing the url. Yes, I have decided that the blog deserves its very own dotcom. So, add . I will leave the old address up for a week or so, but after that I will just set it to … Continue reading Now hear this!→
I have actually been wanting to say something about it for a while. About my displeasure with Weezer’s latest album, that is. Anyway, I didn’t have to, because Reagan pretty well summed it up. The only thing that I would have changed, had I gotten around to expressing my version of her post, is: Blue … Continue reading She pretty much summed it up→
I haven’t been training. That is the update. Reagan, on the other hand, has really taken the bull by the horns and gone for it. She printed out a schedule and everything. I’m not really sure what my problem is. I have been so unmotivated since we returned from vacation. I get up, move the … Continue reading Marathon training update→
I came across this chair, this morning when I was out moving the car. I thought it was mighty kind of the person discarding it, to put would-be curb shoppers on notice. On the other hand, this chair was on the curb half way around the block from where I live. Having a bed bug … Continue reading Chinches→
I generally try to avoid writing about work, whenever possible. But for those of you who read the WSJ and were wondering, I survived. Thanks for your concern.
If you know anything about the Dogtown Z boys, then you probably know who Jay Adams is. You probably also know that he has been locked up for the last couple of years. Growing up, I knew the name. I was the most familiar with Peralta though, as far as the Dogtown boys go. Anyway, … Continue reading Jay Adams is out!→
When I was reading this morning on the train, I came across an article about being “that guy.” The most entertaining part, for me was the picture of George W. Bush giving chest bumps to an AF academy grad. Anyway, go to the Details website and take the quiz to find out if you are … Continue reading Find out if you are "That Guy"→