Yesterday morning there were cones all of the way up our block, and I saw movie trailers pulling down Ft. Washington around 9 A.M., when I was walking to the train. When I arrived home around 7, I saw that there was still some action going on at Broadway, so I mozied down and took … Continue reading Movie Set→
I have had nightmares about being in an elevator that suddenly started to free fall. I always wondered what I would do if that happened to me. Would I try to jump when it was going to impact? How would you even know, to time it right? Would it even make a difference? Anyway, according … Continue reading My worst nightmare happened to someone in my neighborhood→
Hayden has withdrawn from the GP events of this upcoming weekend because of an injury in the weight bearing part of his foot. The real punch in the nuts, is that he sustained the injury while racing in the supermoto event at the X Games in L.A. last week. I’m not really sure what possessed … Continue reading Hayden won’t race at Brno because of heel injury→
This morning I was right in the front of the train. Only the kid in the picture was in front of me. It is kind of a fun spot to be in, if you can’t get a seat, because you can look out the window at the tunnel (depending on what kind of train you … Continue reading I guess I look like a baller→
This thing just sneaked up on us this morning. It was blue skies earlier. The light show going on over the harbor is pretty impressive though. I wish I could get a shot of that.
We had a great visit today with Piper. It seems like she is very content in her new digs. As she is indicating in this picture, she was pretty stoked about getting her bath today. Check here for the rest of the pictures from today.
Yesterday Reagan had to work. so I spent all morning on Craigslist looking for a new bike. I found this guy in Queens who buys bikes at auctions and fixes them to sell. He had some pretty sweet ones at reasonable prices. I ended up picking up and new one, and Reagan and I were … Continue reading Rollin rollin rollin→
I could hardly wait to get out of work today and ride home. Even though it clouded up this afternoon, it was fantastic weather again this evening. I came out of the building, only to discover that my mike had been jacked. Soooo lame. I had the “New York proof” Kryptonite lock. So much for … Continue reading Easy come, easy go→
College football season must almost be here, if GP is over the mid-season hump. I’m getting pretty excited about both College football, and finishing up the GP season. Even though the next race isn’t until next weekend, I thought that I would post anyway. The GP website currently has a free video to get people … Continue reading Entering the last week of Moto GP Summer Break→