Stoner started on pole, with Rossi right next to him. It was pretty clear when they left the grid that it was going to be another one of those races where Stoner just disappeared into the sunset after a few laps. Which is basically what did happen. Rossi also broke away from the pack, but … Continue reading Rossi catches a huge break at Brno→
After our visit with Piper on Sunday, we decided that it was ideal weather for a bike ride. Reagan is really starting to look comfortable on hers. She wasn’t afraid to call out “on your left,” when passing people or anything. On the way home I had trouble keeping up with her. All I could … Continue reading Commencing Summer Weekend Countdown→
When we woke up Sunday morning, Reagan decided that she just couldn’t wait a minute longer to see Piper, so we packed up the car early and headed to Westchester County. The difference in the drive up there, from winter to summer is very dramatic. In the winter, the parkways are ugly and depressing. In … Continue reading PJ update→
NYC had this great idea of closing off Park Ave. to vehicular traffic, and opening it for pedal bikes and foot traffic, only. Reagan had to work today, so I hit it up with one of our friends from church, whose wife is out of town. He brought their little daughter a long too. It … Continue reading Summer Streets→
I know that we are way behind the curve on the Batman frenzy. We finally went to see it last night. I wanted to do the Imax thing, but the only place that it would be practical for us to see it, only sold tickets once a weeks and it was selling out in 2 … Continue reading Batman and such→
I had to repost this pic from Dvice. I guess that MTV made a movie about these kids from Trinidad, now living in Astoria, who turned their BMX bikes into rolling stereos. …Only in Queens.
Man, I guess all it took was me talking about what a breeze things have been at work, to get completely buried. Last night I didn’t get home until after 2. It is shocking how quickly one gets used to leaving work when it is still light outside. Ah well. Surprisingly, it really feels good … Continue reading I spoke too soon→
Some win, some lose. Check deadspin for the footage of the breaking elbow. When I first saw this, I was feeling a really weird mix of totally freaked out, and sympathy for the guy at the same time. Who needs to watch the Olympics, when all of the key moments are distilled down and posted … Continue reading Olympic pain→
Work has really been slow for last little while. It has probably been like 3 weeks since I have even stayed past 10:00 P.M. My downtime has been the result of very prolific stretch of writing. It has been kind of fun. This week, I am feeling the rubberband effect from the decrease in personell … Continue reading Work, Schmerk→