Even though they almost blew it in the second half, the Utes were able to hold on to their early lead, to beat Michigan in the big house. It was a pretty exciting game to watch. I admit that it was extremely frustrating to watch the second half. I am so glad that college football … Continue reading Good weekend to be a Utah fan→
We had such a fun visit with Piper this morning. It was good especially in lieu of my run this morning being a total bust. I felt like crap the whole time. My pedometer got hung up at 3 miles, and I didn't notice until it had already been stuck for about 45 minutes. When … Continue reading Cute lil, Peej→
Some are arguing that after Stoner’s crash in the last race, that Rossi should be able to coast into the world championship slot. Stoner himself admitted in an interview this week that it would be tough to come back from a 50 point deficit against Rossi. He added, that if it weren’t Rossi he was … Continue reading Misano GP→
I am super excited about the long weekend, for several reasons. First of all, it is looking like more lovely weather on Sunday and Monday. Tomorrow is supposed to be overcast, but that’s ok, because we are going for a really long run in the morning, so it will keep us from overheating. The next … Continue reading Ahhh, three day weekends.→
I get to go to court this afternoon, for Piper. We were hoping that after she was granted SSI, the medicaid would be instant. If that were the case, I wouldn’t have to worry anymore about the first medicaid application being denied. As it stands, we still haven’t heard back from SSI about their medicaid … Continue reading Jumping through more hoops→
It is back-to-school season. Football starts this weekend. The temperature will soon start to drop. All of that can only mean one thing: fall fashion ad campaigns. For whatever reason, I read several men’s magazine. I subscribe to enough of them, in fact that Gay Men’s Health, took notice and has been hitting me up … Continue reading Fall Fashion→
As I previously mentioned, Reagan and I are totally pumped about our new pedometers. Apparently though, calibration is necessary in order for it to be accurate. We discovered this last night. Reagan and I decided to do a 6 mi. run together after work. It is a route that we had both taken several times … Continue reading Are you calibrated?→
Yesterday, Reagan and I both did our part, in contributing to the progression of modern society’s shift toward the robot ruled future depicted in the Matrix. We did this by purchasing some fancy pedometers. We had been checking out the Nikeplus stuff for a while. A couple of our friends have them, and one of … Continue reading More gadgets→