Depending on where you live in Manhattan, you can encounter some kinda cool stuff on the curb, on garbage day. Any given day, you can peruse the “curb alert” postings in the “free stuff” section of Craigslist and read about all of the awesome stuff in the more affluent parts of the island. Anyway, most … Continue reading Curb Shopping→
As a result of the tough economic times that we are currently experiencing, I have been discouraged from carrying over, or cashing in any vacation this year. As a result, I have implemented a plan to start burning off my vacation days before the end of the year. I started by taking today off. Reagan … Continue reading Day off→
When I was walking from the train to my building this morning, I came across a guy wearing a huge scarf, thick corduroy blazer and wool slacks. He was visibly sweating. It is (and was, at the time) 70 degrees outside. I know that everyone just hit all of the back to school sales and … Continue reading Season of wardrobe confusion→
When I say hate, I mean loathe, in the strongest sense. I firmly believe that the irresponsible sensationalist TV journalists talking heads, are directly responsible for a lot of the economic problems that we are currently experiencing. I was in the firm dining room today, when I happened to catch a snippet of a promotional … Continue reading I h8 television "journalism"→
For starters, I promise that this is the last photo related to cars that I will post for a long time. Having said that, this is the 300th post since I started the “new blog.” Just for kicks, here is the link to the first blog that I ever started. I was still learning about … Continue reading 300th P on the new B→
I guess that is sounds rather cliche, being that I am male, but I freaking love cars. I love them almost as much as I love motorcycles (which is a lot). Last night when I left work, I wandered around the winter garden and took a bunch of shots with my blackberry. When I was … Continue reading Junkie→
-Friday, Regan’s sister Jody came to visit on her way to Cairo. She and Reagan had a great visit with Piper. -Saturday, Reagan and I became CPR Certified, and the Univ. of Utah football team extended their record to 3-0 by defeating USU by close to 50 points. -Sunday, Moto GP raced, for the first … Continue reading Weekend Recap→
I remembered seeing some banners about the motor expo when I was walking out of work Friday evening. But I had totally forgotten over the weekend. If I could come around the corner every Monday morning on my way into the office and see a couple of beautiful Maseratis, instead of the usual geriatric tour … Continue reading motorexpo at WFC→
Reagan had girls night tonight. So I spent the evening working on some effects for our albums page. I don’t really know if I like them 100% yet. I just made a couple of new style sheets and made use of some pretty cool flash plugins. I have put together 3 little collages from 2008, … Continue reading More Nerd Stuff→