October means Halloween season. Here is a picture of our costumes last year. We were 80’s gym rats. Reagan came up with the idea 20 minutes before the party. All in all, I feel like it played out pretty well. Why am I writing about this crap, you ask? Partly because it is October 1, … Continue reading Happy October!→
I spoke to Piper’s nurse, bright and early this morning. They still haven’t tried her on the trache collar again, yet. They have put her on the weening protocol again, though. By Friday, if she is doing well on the rate of 10, then they will give it another shot. I was also pleased to … Continue reading It’s a good day for a PJ update→
I just came across this interview as one of the editors picks, on Bloomberg, of Jim Rogers of Rogers Holdings on Money and Politics with Peter Cook, voicing his opinion of what the fallout from a bailout plan could entail. I pretty much agree with everything that he says. PS, the DJIA has already gained … Continue reading Not to belabor the point, but…→
For those of you who have had a chance to peruse Reagan’s blob today, you may have noticed the little Nike+ widget on her page logged a 20 mile run this morning. No, it isn’t a technical error. She really did get up on a Tuesday morning and fire off 20 miles before work. I … Continue reading My wife, the rockstar→
I normally try to avoid getting too political on this blog. But I feel like this economic rescue package that keeps going the rounds in Washington right now, is an extremely important issue. I feel like this decision will be as pivotal for the future of America as the Gulf of Tonkin resolution. The difference … Continue reading Happy Rosh Hashanah→
One of my homies just notified me that the bailout plan didn’t make it through the House. My personal optimism meter just took a large leap into the postive digits. Here for the details.
Even though we had a lot of fun with Reagan’s friend in town this weekend, the weather was totally crappy the entire time. When it wasn’t pouring rain, it was overcast and drizzling. It did lend itself to a lot of good football watching. Go Utes (now 4-0). I made it a point not to … Continue reading At least the sun is out today→
(Rossi takes a bow during his victory lap at Motegi on Sunday) Sunday Rossi stood on top of the podium at Motegi, Japan. In addition to winning another GP race, his total points effectively sealed his spot at 2008 GP Champion. This will be Rossi’s 6th (8th, if you include 125 and 250) world championship … Continue reading Madness at Motegi→
Piper was in good form this weekend, as usual. She had developed a mysterious rash Friday night. But it didn’t seem to be slowing her down at all. By Sunday it was visibly much better. Reagan’s friend Amanda was in town visiting this weekend. We all had a fun time hanging out. It was her … Continue reading Piper news→